Monday, May 17, 2010

The Future of Farming

In the future, we are going to need to make innovations to keep living in luxury like we do today. For one thing, land is going to become a premium as the human population grows. Some predictions believe that we are going to have food shortages in urban areas by 2050. Vertical farming seems to be a viable solution. The farm of the future will contain a few hundred acres in a single 10-20 story building within a city block. This will cut down on land use, decrease water use, and reduce GHGs used for transportation of food. The vertical farm is still a few decades away. Advancements in irrigation, solar, and evaporation technologies to reduce costs need to take place before these farms can become profitable. Nevertheless, vertical farming is a great example of the type of thinking and innovation needed to create a sustainable future.

Here is a good article from about the costs and resources needed to create a vertical farm.

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